
Porch Screen Frame - Standard Flange

BRAND NEW and AWESOME Porch Screen Frame!

Introducing our new prime commercial duty extruded aluminum screen frame with mounting flange.

FINALLY a flanged screen frame that can be mounted first and screened later. No more screen fabrication on the ground and then hoping it will fit the opening. Judging by the great reception of this new screen frame by contractors and homeowners, it may become one of our best sellers very soon. Try it, we think you'll agree.

5 Star Porch Screen Frame Patio Screen Frame
Gazebo Screening Patio Screening
Porch Screening Porch Screens

* Heavy-duty for those tough demanding jobs
* Uses heavy duty internal mitre corners
* Extra strength for porches, patios, gazebos, sunscreens and large screen openings
* The screen mesh can be replaced without the need to remove the frame pieces
* Holds the screen material tighter
* Can be used with a variety of screening material including Pet Screen, Sun Screen and Pool and Patio screening
* An excellent choice for larger screens where crossbraces are not wanted or where durablity is a concern
* Build window screens up to 8 feet x 8 feet
* 6 Pieces 94" long per box
Our Price: $125.00
Item Options

Frame Color Selection


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